This plugin builds the shortcodes needed that allows you to create any number of sections in a single page or post that will display different content to different users based on their role. Visitors (or logged out users) also have an option to show their own section of content. The ability to set different content by user role is something that is needed so often that I had to make my own plugin to do it.
This is the first plugin that I have made where I decided to actually publish on WordPress.org. I have been making my own custom plugins for some time now and I have finally decided to have them published for others to use. That means I have to go back over them to make sure they are free of tests and dummy code that I used for experimenting, in short, I need to rewrite a lot of them.
I have chosen to build them all under the moniker “VI: Name”. The reason for this is simple, for years I have simply called my development theme “Version iteration” where the iteration was whatever number I was up to. Currently I am up to 8 and looking at 9 soon. I figured I would add the word Plugin for plugins and theme for themes just so things could be well organized.
Interested in a Parallax Section Plugin?
The first plugin up is a very simple one called: Member Content. It provides a list of shortcodes that can be used to partition off content by logged in status as well as user roles/abilities. It’s absolutely a unitasker on purpose. It’s possible I could find this function in some other plugins. However, they will all come with their own overhead in the form of whatever else they do besides simply partition off content. I didn’t want that. I want a super simple plugin that does one thing, lets me set different content by user role. Not one the does 11 things and only 2 of them are useful to me.
This brings me to the next purpose of my plugins as I get the published. they will all be unitaskers (for the foreseeable future). So they are small and fast. If you don’t need a certain function, don’t install that function, simple. Maybe some day I’ll invent bigger plans, but today is not that day.