version 8: finishing

At least, this version of it.

You can s view/down load my theme on github
I don’t update it as often as I should. And that will hopefully change. I have some work to do before I can be comfortable with the finished version 8 and finally move on to version 9. I already have a short roadmap.

What do I need to complete for version 8:

  • Make the customizer parts more future friendly.
  • Make the parent theme more overridable by the child.

That’s it. I am having a hard time with how short that list is. The thing is that I use this theme actively and if I finish it then it will be difficult to update. I guess I can always continue to “patch” it until version 9 is stable.

I just have to accept that this version will never be as polished as I would like. It never was going to be every since I decided that the next version was going to be the big OOP push. That always left version 8 as something that was intended on being just one step along a longer path and never truly complete in its own right.

OK, in the next few days I will be gathering and organizing my efforts to make a final push on version 8. ideally I can ride the wave of motivation and get started on version 9 right away. I see some big tasks there, but also some great things in terms of personal growth in my php abilities.